Friday 20 September 2013

Conventions of Film Noir

This is an image of a classic Film Noir.                                   This is an image of a neo noir/tech noir
Most film noir's have stereotypical conventions of the following:
  • Dark scenes
  • Rain/ bad weather/mist
  • Femme fatail character- An alluring, mysterious woman.
  • Smoke/ smoking
  • Shadows
  • Urban Surroundings- cityscape's
  • Costume- hats (trilby/fedora), trench coats.
  • Chiaroscuro (low key lighting)
  • Reflective & mysterious first person narrative
  • Pathetic fallacy
  • Time period of 40's-50's
  • Male Protagonist
  • Distorted camera angles

I have researched into some actual film noir films, and watched trailers of the following..
commenting on the conventions i have come across within these:

  • Mystery
  • Flashback
  • Non-linear plot
  • Partly black and white
  • Untrusted female
  • Powerless hero
  • Disorientated camera angles
  • Monotone voices- expressionless voice
  • Black and White - desaturated colours
  • Secrets/suspense
  • Flashbacks- de-ja-vu
  • Sounds to highlight the flashback
Brick (2005)
  • Captions surrounded with smoke/ disappearing into smoke|
  • Black and white/ bleached out colours
  • Camera angles
  • Protagonist voices
  • Monotone voices
  • Darkness/bad weather
  • Femme fatail


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